Things Scouts have made.
We often make things at Scouts, sometimes to work towards badges such as the "craft" and "creative challenge award", sometimes just because there is something we need!
We have worked with leather to make woggles, masks to protect our axes and covers for our bow saws.
We have made flags for our patrols.
We have made survival bracelets with emergency whistles. These bracelets are made from Paracord and can be undone to produce a long length of cord for use if needed in an emergency. Every inch of bracelet produces a foot of cord! One half of the snap-fastening buckle is a loud whistle for use in case of emergencies.
We have also worked with wood to make patrol boxes and tent pegs.
In addition to producing useful items these activities have allowed Scouts to learn about, and practise using, a variety of tools. They have also started to learn to use knives safely.
We have worked with leather to make woggles, masks to protect our axes and covers for our bow saws.
We have made flags for our patrols.
We have made survival bracelets with emergency whistles. These bracelets are made from Paracord and can be undone to produce a long length of cord for use if needed in an emergency. Every inch of bracelet produces a foot of cord! One half of the snap-fastening buckle is a loud whistle for use in case of emergencies.
We have also worked with wood to make patrol boxes and tent pegs.
In addition to producing useful items these activities have allowed Scouts to learn about, and practise using, a variety of tools. They have also started to learn to use knives safely.